When you go to the office, bring along this Tote Bag, Shoulder Bag, and Handbag by Innovato Design. You will look professional aside from being able to bring your stuff for the day. Made of leather, this amazing handbag has a smooth, shiny, and soft fabric texture that you will always want to feel and touch whenever you carry this around. It has hardware pieces that are polished for extra oomph on style. The handle and the strap are soft and comfortable so you can easily carry this bag even with a heavy load. Also, there is enough space inside where you can neatly organize all your things. Moreover, you can choose from the different colors that are available.
Product Highlights:
- Made of leather
- With polyester lining
- Comes in six fashionable designs
- Bag size: 11.42in X 4.72in X 6.69in
- Perfect for fashionable style